...is "Celebrating (un)Common Creativity!" Fan fiction, artworks, extreme genres & smashing the formal "Fourth wall"...Join the revolution!!! - Mohit Trendster

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Renewable Energy Power Projects Under DDG Scheme for Rural Electrification in India (Report-eBook)

This is redacted-edited research report with some of the information removed. It covers the rural electrification with renewable based power projects. Available on Minus, Pothi, ISSUU, Scribd, etc and allied networks. 

Minus -

Scribd -

 - Mohit Sharma (Trendster) 

Indian solar and non solar market were focused. REC’s are traded trough any CERC approved power exchanges. With increasing involvement of private players many schemes (DDG, RGGVY) are yet to be fully exploited to avail the maximum profit from such Projects. Assumptions of various permutations-combinations on the basis of available data is also performed to make the results comparable. Comparison with alternatives like Small Hydro, Wind is also carried out. Primary and Secondary research method has used in the project.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Long Live Inquilab! (Book) by Mohit Sharma (Trendster), Jyoti Singh

Freelance Talents in association with ICUFC Comics presents...."Long Live Inquilab!"  Total 34 Pages covering activities by Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), Jallianwala Bagh Incident, Sardar, Udham Singh, poetry, fictional scenes and artworks.

(Available - Pothi, Smashwords, ISSUU, Minus, Scribd, Myebook, etc and their allied networks, websites). Download the pdf file instead of online reading for better reading experience.

Pothi - http://pothi.com/pothi/book/ebook-mohit-sharma-trendster-long-live-inquilab

Scribd -