...is "Celebrating (un)Common Creativity!" Fan fiction, artworks, extreme genres & smashing the formal "Fourth wall"...Join the revolution!!! - Mohit Trendster

Friday, November 30, 2012

Trendy Baba Series (Book # 5) : Gamraj

Gamraj (Trendy Baba Series) Book, Story collection written and posted year 2007-2008 by Mohit Sharma (Trendster/Trendy Baba).

*) – Readwhere – http://www.readwhere.com/publication/2313/gamraj-trendy-baba-series

*) – Minus - http://minus.com/l5PdVajoIc6N5

Trendy Baba Series (Book 4) - Fighter Toads

Book - Shakti (Trendy Baba Series)